Business policy and strategic mgmt.docx (203,5 kB)

business-policy - ICC.doc (29,5 kB)

business-policy-despatch slides.ppt (219,5 kB)

Business-policy-notes-09.doc (96 kB)



I.          Answer any four of the following                                        <4 x 10 = 40 marks>
a)      Why planning? Can you list the principles of planning? How are tactical and operational plans related?
b)      What are futuristic strategies? Elucidate on the components of a strategic plan.
c)      Compare and contrast between Blue Ocean and Competitive strategies. Your explanation should include corporate examples. 
d)     How can organizations continue to innovate in a saturated market? Explain from your learning experience in the class.
e)      Why do great companies fail? Give reasons. How can it be prevented or salvaged? Elucidate with at least two suitable examples.


            PART A
I.          Answer any four of the following                                        <4 x 10 = 40 marks>
a)      What are the principles of a ‘good policy’? Suggest a well known example depicting such principles.
b)      What is the origin of a business strategy? How does it take shape down the ‘business ladder’? Explain with an example known to you.
c)      Who said ‘customer centricity of the past is a grand failure…’? – Explain the context and exceptions under which it was stated.
d)     Succinctly bring out the relevance of the following theories: competitive advantage, BOS and N=1;R=G (each theory in about 60 words)
e)      Under what conditions can the Chi square test, Gap analysis and SWOT help managers take decisions effectively?